Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Moms Demand Action Advertisement Analysis - 893 Words

Moms Demand Action: Advertisement Analysis As reported by the nonprofit corporation, Gun Violence Archive, in 2017, already there have been 63 mass shootings and 2,762 gun related deaths (Gun Violence Archive). One specifically tragic mass shooting occurred on December 14th of 2012. Adam Lanza went on a shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School, murdering six staff members and twenty children ages six and seven (Vogel et al). This deadly and shattering event inspired the organization, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a campaign focused on securing gun reform to promote safety for all, particularly school-aged children. For this purpose, they created several print ads marketed towards different audiences with the theme†¦show more content†¦The organization s name and logo are positioned in the bottom right corner of the advertisement. The second poster’s setting is in the aisle of a Kroger’s grocery store. Physically, this ad is similar to the first; there are two individuals standing in the middle of the photo with dissimilar items. An adult man on the right carrying a loaded gun contrasts a teen boy to the left, resting his foot on a skateboard. To the far right reads the phrase, â€Å"One of them isn’t welcome at Kroger. Guess which one† (Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America). At the bottom, it explains, â€Å"Kroger prohibits skateboarding inside its grocery stores because it’s unsafe. More so than a loaded gun?† (Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America). Identical to the first advertisement, at the bottom right corner is the Moms Demand Action logo. The first advertisement uses emotion to garner support from parents around America. The specific target audience for this ad is American mothers and fathers with young children attending school. This ad asks viewers to analyze the image with their â€Å"choose one† request. The common sense or implied value of the first ad that the target audience must buy into is child safety. The ad brings to mind the following question: if we won t sell chocolate eggs with a small toy inside because of it being a potential choking hazard, why do we continue to sell assault weapons that also put children in danger s path? Their argument is that it makesShow MoreRelatedAdvertisements For Sales Promotion : An Advertisement2514 Words   |  11 PagesStudent’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Advertisements Introduction Advertising is form of communication that is directly invoked in passing critical messages to the target audience. It is also termed as a promotional mode that has persuasive instincts of swaying buyers to a given direction. Therefore, advertisements for sales promotion are destined to orient the thinking and perception of buyers to a given product. 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